
YOP Tax Credits

Kids In The Middle was awarded Youth Opportunity Program (YOP) tax credits from the Missouri Department of Economic Development. Administered by the state, YOP tax credits help to attract eligible donors who want to redirect their Missouri tax dollars to an approved community service project. Leveraging these tax credits not only amplifies your contribution but also offers you tangible financial benefits. YOP tax credits are available for contributions made between 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2025, on a first-come first-served basis. You can reserve credits in advance for your donation by contacting Sarah Barone at sbarone@kitm.org.


How It Works

Eligibility and Guidelines

-Missouri YOP Tax Credits: Open to any individual or business with a Missouri tax liability.

-Make an eligible contribution of $1,000 or more to Kids In The Middle.

-We welcome gifts of stock or cash/monetary donations.

-Donations should not be sourced from a tax-exempt trust or foundation.

Application Process

-Donate $1,000 or more to Kids In The Middle. The credit amount is equal to 50% of your donation. Credit allows you to save on both your federal and state taxes.

-Tax credits are awarded on a first-come-first-served basis because of limited availability.

-Indicate your desire for tax credits (For check donations: write “YOP” in the memo line; for online donations: add “YOP” in the “additional comments” section; for stock donations: reach out to Sarah Barone prior to transfer).

-Upon request and payment, a tax credit application will be mailed and/or emailed to you.

-Review the YOP Instructions Sheet to view the necessary forms of verification needed for your donation type (ex: credit card, check, stock, etc.). YOP INSTRUCTIONS SHEET

-Return the signed and notarized application to KITM, along with proof of donation, within a year of the contribution. SAMPLE TAX CREDIT APPLICATION

-Please note that KITM has a notary available on site, so feel free to inquire about their availability.

-KITM will submit your application to the Missouri Department of Economic Development for approval. Please allow 4-8 weeks for processing and approval. You will receive your tax credit certificate in the mail and/or email directly from a KITM team member.

Potential Savings

This chart illustrates the potential benefits and process of the YOP tax credits for donors.

Donation $10,000 $5,000 $1,000
     Missouri Tax Credit  -5,000  -2,500  -500
     Missouri Tax Savings -270 -135 -27
     Federal Tax Savings -1,100 -550 -110
Total Tax Savings (Federal and Missouri) -6,370 -3,185 -637
Net cost to donor  $3,630  $1,815  $363


Note: Assumes donor itemizes deductions and is in the 22% marginal Federal income tax bracket and 5.4% Missouri income tax bracket. As with any gift, the amount that is tax-deductible is dependent on each individual’s unique financial circumstances. Consult your tax advisor to determine your exact savings.

Claiming Your Credits

-The tax credit is eligible for the year of the donation plus 5 succeeding years.

-Tax credits awarded cannot be transferred or sold.

-Given the limited availability of tax credits, they are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.


For more information, please contact Sarah Barone, CFRE, Chief Executive Officer, at sbarone@kitm.org or 314-909-9922 x 1005.