
Our Board

The Board of Directors is the legal authority for Kids In The Middle. A member of the Board acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization. Also, the Board of Directors assists Kids In The Middle by providing input and support from community members representing a variety of fields of expertise to help the organization further its overall vision and mission.

Why I Serve
Why I Serve

Why I Serve

“I serve as a Board Member for KITM because I believe every child should have quality access to mental health resources to assist them and their families with transitions in family dynamics such as divorce, separation, and remarriage. Children need a place to safely share their feelings and work through family transitions. KITM allows for any family with any means access to those important and necessary resources.”

– Stephanie Jones


Chuck Vogel

PresidentPresident, Snelling Staffing & Recruiting

James L. Pursley

Treasurer, Finance Committee ChairPartner, Sikich LLP

Kim Jakovich

Secretary, Fund Development Committee Member, and Real Estate Committee MemberSVP, Executive Director of Talent Management, Commerce Bank


Scott Anderson

Member, Fund Development Committee MemberNC Custom, Program Business Development Specialist

Timmy Hogenkamp Jr.

Member, IT Committee MemberClient Engagement Director, Turnberry Solutions

Stephanie Jones

MemberFamily Law Attorney, Jones Family Law Group, LLC

Katelyn Knicl

IT Committee Chair, Fund Development Committee Member and DEI Committee MemberSenior Manager, Learning Management and Analysis, Panera

Chanta Scott

MemberSocial Services Coordinator, Lutheran Senior Services

Patricia Susi

MemberPrincipal, Curtis, Heinz, Garrett & O’Keefe, PC

Nitin Taneja

MemberFin Ops Digital Transformation Expert, Accenture

Anyta Wilson

Member, DEI Committee Chair, Real Estate Committee MemberFounder/Director, The Awareness Institute

Dave Yates

Member, Real Estate Committee Chair, Office Manager, Brown & Caldwell

Lisa Yates

Member, Fund Development Committee Member, Real Estate Committee MemberVP, Product Management, Mastercard
Get in touch with us.

Join Our Board

Interested in joining our Board of Directors? If you have experience with boards and fundraising, have a good network of friends and business associates to connect to the organization, and feel a strong commitment to our mission, this might be the volunteer position for you.

Advisory Council

Advisory Council members serve in an advisory capacity to the Agency. In this capacity, the Council does not vote on Board matters and does not have governance authority. Council members have a unique opportunity to be involved without the full-time commitment of joining a Board of Directors. The Council advises the Board and/or staff on issues facing the Agency and keeps the Agency connected with the community at large.

Contact Information: For more information regarding the Kids In The Middle Advisory Council, please contact our Chief Executive Officer, Sarah Barone, CFRE, at sbarone@kitm.org.

Advisory Council Members

Cy Alizadeh, DDS – Orthodontist, Alizadeh and Schreiner Orthodontics
Valerie Carr – Community Volunteer
Jenn Christofferson – Director of Operations, MMB Music, Inc.
Phil Christofferson – Partner, Cockriel & Christofferson, LLC

William Clarke – Community Volunteer, Retired, CEO at Horner & Shifrin, Inc.
Rick Eisen – Partner, Growe Eisen Karlen Elierts LLC
Arleen Meyer Korenblat – Community Volunteer
Thomas McKinney, MD – Physician, St. Louis Pediatric Associates, Inc.
Patricia Rosenthal, LCSW – Associate Dean, Clinical Professor, UMSL
Mark Witzling – Executive Director, Craft Alliance
Pamela Zell – Partner, Six Point Financial Group, LLC