Kids In The Middle relies on support from volunteers and members of the community to spread the word about the services we provide. Whether you have two hours a week or two hours a year to spare, your time and commitment are appreciated. Because we are a mental health counseling agency, there are no volunteer opportunities with direct contact with children and families.

Interested in Becoming a Volunteer?
If you’re passionate about our cause and would like to get involved, please fill out our volunteer application or email Sarah Barone at sbarone@kitm.org to learn more.
Volunteer Committees
Board of Directors
Interested in joining our Board of Directors? If you have experience with boards and fundraising, have a good network of friends and business associates to connect to the organization, and you feel a strong commitment to our mission, this might be the volunteer position for you.
Additionally, our Board of Directors also has several committees that are open to community volunteers. If you have an interest in finance, fundraising, program development, marketing, strategic planning, or leadership development, we have a place for you as a Committee Volunteer.
Advisory Council
Advisory Council members serve in an advisory capacity to the Agency. Council members have a unique opportunity to be involved without the full-time commitment of joining a Board of Directors. The Council advises the Board and staff on issues facing the Agency and keeps Kids In The Middle connected with the community at large.