6 Back-to-School Tips
6 Back-to-School Tips
Summer is winding down, and school supplies have overtaken the stores! It’s already that time of year to begin planning for school to start back up. Kids, however, are focused on squeezing out every last moment of summer they can. During the summer, routines often become more relaxed. The transition back to the school year routines can take some time. Here are a few tips to (hopefully) help both you and the kids to get back into the school routine.
- Start preparing for the school routine before the first day of school. Gradually move toward the usual early morning routine, starting about two weeks before school. Adjust the bed and wake up times by several minutes every day so the children will be used to it when school starts.
- Help your child get excited about school. If possible, allow them to pick out a special back to school item. If you think it will be a positive experience, take them school supply shopping with you. Or create a special back to school tradition.
- If your child doesn’t like school, try to focus on the parts of school your child does enjoy (i.e. sports, art class, reconnecting with friends or a teacher.)
- Be sure to discuss transportation and before/after school child care with your co-parent. Do not assume you are both on the same page or have all the details figured out until you have discussed them together. Make sure your children also know where they are expected to be before/after school.
- Try to avoid big trips right before the start of school. It can make it harder for the kids to get back into a school schedule when they have just been on a vacation.
- Start a folder for homework, school newsletters, and other papers that you and your co-parent can easily find.
-Krys Curnutt, LCSW, KITM therapist