Your Children and The Other Parent
It is important for children to have a relationship with both parents. Here are five tips for making that happen.
1. It is okay to ask about your child’s visit with the other parent. Use general language such as, “I hope you had a good time.” And then leave it at that. Interrogating your children after a visit isn’t a good idea.
2. Have pictures of your children and your co-parent in your children’s room. Let your children pick some pictures they like such as time at special events or on vacation.
3. It is not up to your children to decide to see the other parent. It should be expected that they will follow your parenting plan.
4. Bad-mouthing your co-parent in the presence of your children doesn’t set a good example. Kids can be good at listening in, and they are very curious. This also includes grandparents. A good word or two goes a long way!
5. Encourage your children to call, draw a picture, or write a note when they are missing their other parent. Remember, they would like both of you to be there all the time.
-Tips from KITM therapist, Laura Adamgbo